Mu Online Reforged Season 20


Información del Juego

Mu Reforged Season 20

Caracteristicas Descripcion
Version Season 20 Episode 1-2
Experiencia Dinamica
Drop 30%
Puntos por nivel 5/7
Nivel Maximo 1700
Sitema AntiHack Si
Sitema AntiLag [SHIFT + 1] al [SHIFT + 9]
Mu Helper Si
OffLevel Comando /offlevel
OffTrade Comando /offtrade
Multi Cuentas 5 cuentas por IP
Agregar puntos Comando /addstr /addagi /addvit /addene /addcmd

Beneficios VIP

Beneficios Server Vip

Beneficios y % de la Maquina Chaos
Experiencia Exp x2
Weapons and Set Items Level 10: 100% Level 11: 100% Level 12: 70% Level 13: 65% Level 14: 65% Level 15: 60%
Pentagram Level 10: 100% Level 11: 100% Level 12: 70% Level 13: 65% Level 14: 65% Level 15: 60%
Wing Level 2 100%
Wing Level 3 80%
Wing Level 4 60%
Giant Mount Type 1 Rate 20%
Giant Mount Type 2 Rate 40%
Giant Mount Type 1 Rate 40%

Chocolates Boxs

Lista de drop de chocolate box de mu online

Word Drop Mobs
Lorencia Pink Chocolate Box Spider, Budge Dragon
Noria Pink Chocolate Box Spider, Goblin
Devias 1 Pink Chocolate Box Worm
Atlans 1 Pink Chocolate Box Bahamut
Lost Tower 1 Pink Chocolate Box Shadow
Tarkan 2 Pink Chocolate Box Tantalos
Kanturu Ruins 1 Blue Chocolate Box Splinter Wolf
Kanturu Ruins 2 Blue Chocolate Box Blade Hunter, Satyros
Kanturu Remain Blue Chocolate Box Persona, Twin Tale
Ferea Red Chocolate Box Ferea Knight, Ferea Fighter, Ferea Archer
Proxima actualizacion Red Chocolate Box Proxima actualizacion

Boss y Eventos

Lista de drop de Eventos y Bosses

Boss Reward Drop Ubicación
Zaikan Boots and Gloves Blood Angel ~ Dark Angel +Luck +3 Opt 3 Tarkan
Ice Queen Boots and Gloves Holy Angel ~ Blue Eye +Luck +3 Opt 3 Devias
Gorgon Boots and Gloves Silverheart ~ Brilliant +Luck +3 Opt 3 Dungeon
Balgrog Boots and Gloves Apocalypse ~ Lightning +Luck +3 Opt 3 Lost Tower
Kundun Seed Sphere Lv5 3 Kalima 7
Selupan Items Socket 1~5 Slot 5 Raklion
Medusa Jewel of Bless x50, Jewel of Soul x50, Talisman of Chaos Assembly x5 Rnd, Talisman of Luck x10 Rnd 5 Swamp of Calmness
Nightmare ETCA x10, ETOL, BOL 200% x5, Norwen's Bloodstring Lyra, Antonia's Sword 5 Required: Moonstone Pendant
Lord of Ferea Errtel of Anger Lv1 +7, Errtel of Blessing Lv1 +7, Errtel of Integrity Lv1 +7, Errtel of Divinity Lv1 +7, Ring + 15 FO, Pendant + 15 FO 3 Ferea
Lord Silvester Elemental Capsule(Normal) x10, Elemental Talisman of Luck x10 Rnd, Elemental Talisman of Chaos Assembly x10 Rnd 5 Acheron (Uruk Mountain)
Core Magriffy Muun Repen, Muun Pawn, Muun Griffs, Antonia's Sword, Kundun's Seal Scroll, Runedil's Goldentune Harp, Lemuria's Orb, Norrwen's Bloodstring Lyra 5 Acheron (Nars)
Spirit Nixie Elemental Capsule(Normal) x10, Boss Battle Ticket, Jasper Necklace 1~5 Slot, Battle Jasper Necklace 1~5 Slot 2 Nixies Lake
God of Darkness Boss Battle Ticket, Greather Spirit Stone, Lapis Lazuli Necklace 1~5 Slot, Battle Lagoon Necklace 1~5 Slot 2 Swamp of Darkness
Chaos Castle Mastery Box (High, Middle, Low) Monedas Ruud 1 o 2 Required: Armor of Guardsman
Blood Castle Mastery Box (High, Middle, Low) Monedas Ruud 1 o 2 Required: Cloak of Invisible
Devil Square Mastery Box (High, Middle, Low) Monedas Ruud 1 o 2 Required: Devil Square Invitation
Doppelganger Mastery Box (High, Middle, Low) Monedas Ruud 1 o 2 Required: Dimensional Mirrow
Illusion Temple Mastery Box (High, Middle, Low) Monedas Ruud 1 o 2 Required: Scroll of Blood
Imperial Guardian Spider Artifact Fragment x10 + adicional Jewel of Creation x30 2 Required: Varka Entrance Ticket
Maze of Dimension Mastery Box Standard (5000 Ruud) 1 o 2 Required: Elena's Letter
Event Boss Battle Together Harmony Jewel Box, Elemental Capsule (Normal), Boss Battle Bonus Box 2 o 3 Dependiendo del daño realizado, maximo daño y ultimo golpe de muerte Required: Boss Battle Ticket
Scramble Words Mastery Box Minor (2500 Ruud) 1 Event

Drop General

Lista de drop mas importantes

Lista Reward Ubicación
Mastery Box Minor 2500 Ruud Blood Castle, Devil Square, Chaos Castle, Illusion Temple
Mastery Box Standard 5000 Ruud Blood Castle, Devil Square, Chaos Castle, Illusion Temple
Mastery Box Greater 10000 Ruud Blood Castle, Devil Square, Chaos Castle, Illusion Temple
Pink Chocolate Box All Jewels x1 Lorencia, Devias 1, Noria, Elbeland, Lonstower 1, Atlans 1, Tarkan 1
Blue Chocolate Box Box Ruud 500, Condor Feather, Condor Flame, Loch's Feather, Loch's Flame, Dragon Helm Acc + Luck Blood Castle, Devil Square, Chaos Castle, Illusion Temple
Red Chocolate Box Box Ruud 1000, All Jewels x5 Ferea
Box of Kundun +1 All Jewels x10 Rnd Lorencia, Devias, Noria, Elbeland, Lonstower
Box of Kundun +2 All Jewels x20 Rnd, Atlans
Box of Kundun +3 All Jewels x30 Rnd Lorencia, Devias, Noria, Elbeland, Lonstower, Tarkan, Aida, Icarus
Box of Kundun +4 All Jewels x40 Rnd Kanturu, Kanturu Relics
Box of Kundun +5 All Jewels x50 Rnd Swamp of Peace, La Cleon, Kanturu
Red Dragon Jewel of Chaos x3, Jewel of Bless x3, Jewel of Soul x3, Jewel of Life x3, Jewel of Creation x3 Lorencia, Noria, Devias 4
Elemental Capsule (Normal) Errtel of Radiance, Elemental Rune x3-x5, Fragment of Radiance slot (1), Fragment of Radiance slot (2), Fragment of Radiance slot (3), Fragment of Radiance slot (4), Blessing of Spirit Boss Lord Silvester
Boss Battle Bonus Box 4th Wing Relic x3, Uriel Feather Boss Battle


Lista de premios por jewel of bless

Jewel of Bless Canjear
750 Jewel of Bless Wings Conqueror + Luck + 28 + FO
2000 Jewel of Bless Ring of Ultimatum +15 + 3 Option
8000 Jewel of Bless Wings S4 + Luck + 28 + 3 Option
2000 Jewel of Soul, 2000 Jewel of Life, 2000 Jewel of Chaos Agrega Opciones Opciones Full a las Wings S4 minimo con 3 Option
4000 Jewel of Bless 100 BOL 200%
4000 Jewel of Bless Ring of Panda 7Days, Pet Panda 7Days

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